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People: Guizhou Normal University a party a flag
July 2, 2014  

Formerly Guizhou Normal University was founded in 1978 in Guizhou Education Institute, in 2009 the Ministry of Education approved the restructuring of ordinary colleges and universities. Worked hard for five years, five years of trials and hardships, people under the joint efforts of all Teachers, once the "pocket" schools, gorgeous transform into a green university, a rising star in college. And in this type of transformation of a reborn, there is such a group of people, they are selfless, quietly, fully pay for the construction and development of the school made a valuable contribution.

Among them, there are classroom teachers, grassroots cadres, some experts and scholars, there are retired people, but they all have a resounding title - Communists.

In the Chinese Communist Party ninety-three upcoming birthday, let us capture few of brilliant flowers from this beautiful and fragrant blend of Guizhou Normal College large garden, as the party's birthday gift.

Full story: http: //gz.people.com.cn/n/2014/0630/c358161-21543059.html

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