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Mainstream Republican Defeats Mississippi Tea Party-backed Candidate
June 25, 2014  

A longtime Republican U.S. Senator has narrowly beaten his Tea Party opponent in a runoff election ahead of the Senate race later this year, two weeks after a top Republican leader lost his seat to a more conservative Tea Party candidate and ignited fears of an ultra-conservative takeover of the party.在美国今年晚些时候举行参议院选举之前,一名资深美国共和党参议员在初选决选中以微弱优势击败茶党对手。两星期前,一名共和党领导人在初选中败给一名更保守的茶党候选人,一些人担心共和党将被极端保守人士控制。

Senator Thad Cochran of the southern state of Mississippi declared victory over state legislator Chris McDaniel in Tuesday's runoff. McDaniel collected more votes in the original June 3 primary, but did not get the 50 percent majority necessary to avoid a runoff.在美国南部密西西比州举行的共和党初选决选中,参议员科克兰宣布击败了州议员麦克丹尼尔。在6月3日举行的首次初选中,麦克丹尼尔的得票领先,但未能获得避免决选的50%选票。

For the runoff, Cochran took the unusual step of appealing to Democratic voters who had not voted in the state's Democratic primary and were therefore eligible to vote in the Republican runoff. 在决选中,科克兰采取了非同寻常的做法,争取民主党选民的支持,这些人没有在本州民主党初选中投票,因此可以在共和党初选决选中投票。

McDaniel indirectly criticized the move, telling his supporters after Tuesday's vote that there were "dozens of irregularities" in the runoff election. He said before the race is over, Mississippians must be "absolutely certain" that the runoff "was won by Republican voters."麦克丹尼尔对科克兰的这一做法提出间接批评。他在星期二投票结束后对支持者们说,决选中出现了“几十起违规的做法”。他说,竞选结束后,本州选民必须“完全确定”要由共和党选民在决选中选出胜者。

McDaniel's supporters favor lower government spending and lower taxes, while Cochran argues that Mississippi, one of the poorest states in the U.S., needs the billions of federal dollars it receives for disaster relief, military support, and agricultural support.麦克丹尼尔的支持者赞成削减政府开支和减税,而科克兰认为密西西比州需要从联邦政府得到巨额资金,用于救灾以及军人和农业援助。

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