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A delegation from Wuhan Sports University visited our college
August 2, 2013  

A delegation from Wuhan Sports University headed by Pro. Lv Wangang, the president, launched a visit to our college on August 1st , accompanied with Pro. Sun Yiliang, the ex-president, Shi Aiqiao, dean of the Wushu College, and Tong Zhu, chairman of Office of Logistics.

Pro. Li Cunxiong, president of our college, Pro. Linghu Rongfeng, the vice president, Wang Youxin, director of the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, and Huang Weiming, dean of School of Physical Education Sciences gave a warm welcome to them.

Wuhan Sports University signed a framework agreement on the mutual cooperation with our college about traditional sports research, professional construction of leisure sports, and cultivation of sports talents, which definitely will be a great support and promotion to the academic development of our college.

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