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US Alleges Widespread Global Human Rights Violations
October 17, 2014  

The U.S. is alleging that too many governments around the world are tightening controls on free expression and using repressive laws to "deny citizens their universal human rights."美国表示,世界各地有太多的政府正在加紧对言论自由的控制,并运用压制性的法律拒绝让本国公民享有普世人权。

In the annual U.S. look at global human rights, Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday that many governments are engaging in politically motivated prosecutions and using new technologies to control dissent, whether in public squares or through various types of technology.美国国务卿克里星期四在美国年度全球人权报告中说,很多国家的政府正在通过在公共场合的监视手段,或者通过各种形式的科技从事出于政治动机的迫害,并使用新科技控制异见。

Kerry singled out several governments he said have abused the human rights of their countrymen, including Syria, Russia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Bangladesh and the recently ousted government in Ukraine. He said 80 governments around the world have enacted laws discriminating against homosexuals.克里国务卿挑出一些国家的政府为例,他说这些国家的政府侵犯了本国公民的人权,这些国家包括叙利亚、俄罗斯、中国、古巴、埃及、孟加拉国以及最近被推翻的乌克兰政府。他说,世界有80个国家的政府已经颁布歧视同性恋的法律。

He said the U.S. record on human rights, where slavery was legal in the 1800s, is not perfect, but that it stands for the advance of human dignity.克里国务卿说,19世纪奴隶制还属合法的美国人权纪录并不完美,但是美国支持弘扬人类尊严。

The chief U.S. diplomat said that countries that commit human rights violations and fail to hold officials accountable for abuses are acting against their own best interest, as well as those of the United States.克里国务卿说,侵犯人权国家,以及没有对侵犯人权的官员实行问责的国家,其实正在损害自己的以及美国的最佳利益。

Kerry said that violent extremism and crime take root in countries where human rights are denied, which in turn contributes to instability, insecurity and economic deprivation.克里表示,暴力极端主义和犯罪现象会植根于那些人权被忽视的国家,而忽视人权又会带来不稳定、不安全以及经济匮乏。

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