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US Accuses China of Destabilizing the South China Sea
May 31, 2014  

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has accused China of "destabilizing actions" in the South China Sea.美国国防部长哈格尔指控中国在南中国还进行危及稳定的行动。

In a speech Saturday, Hagel told defense officials at the annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore that Washington would not "look the other way" if international order is threatened.哈格尔星期六在新加坡举行的香格里拉防务对话上发表讲话时,对在场的国防官员表示,当国际秩序受到威胁时,华盛顿不会坐视不管。

He accused China of restricting the Philippines' access to Scarborough Shoal, beginning land reclamation at various locations in the South China Sea and erecting an oil rig in disputed waters with Vietnam.哈格尔指控中国限制菲律宾往来黄岩岛,在南中国海不同地点宣示主权,并在和越南有争议的水域里设置一座钻油平台。

Hagel said China has undertaken destabilizing, unilateral actions asserting its claims in the South China Sea. He called for a peaceful resolution of international disputes.哈格尔说,中国在南中国海进行危及稳定、片面宣示主权的行动。他呼吁用和平方解决国际争端。

The US defense chief said that while Washington does not take sides on rival claims, the U.S. opposes any nation's use of intimidation, coercion or threat of force to assert those claims.美国国防部长哈格尔表示,虽然美国在争端里并购没有选边站,但是美国反对任何一个国家利用恐吓、强迫和威胁使用武力的方式来宣示主权。

On Thailand, Mr. Hagel urged the military junta that took power in a coup on May 22 to release prisoners, end restrictions of freedom of expression and move immediately to hold elections.关于泰国局势,哈格尔敦促在5月22日发动政变夺取政权的军政府释放囚犯,结束对言论自由的限制,并立即举行选举。

Hagel also pledged support for Japan's plans to play a greater role in maintaining security of the region.哈格尔同时承诺支持日本在维持地区安全方面扮演更重要角色的计划。

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